The Transformation Program
Transform your Business in under 6-months
Does your business bring you
fun, freedom and fulfilment?
If it doesn't, then we have THE PERFECT COURSE for you. We will show you how to make your business do this, and get it done with you live.
No other short, affordable courses exist like ours.
We recognise that so many self-employed relationship focused people, just like us, would sign up for self-led courses, often with no live element or, at best, a few Q&A sessions added in, but the bulk of the work you are left to complete on your own. This just doesn't work!
To transform your business into a Bewitching Brand that attracts people you love to work with and stands out from the crowd, we hold your hands and get things done every week of the course.
We understand you need to be able to ask questions as you implement the changes. We break the whole program into three 7-week modules and deep dive into every topic.

Do You See Yourself In Any of These Questions?
Are you a self-employed relationship-focused person?
Do you feel overwhelmed with your business's paperwork, sales, marketing, and branding, the behind-the-scenes part no one sees you do?
Do you wish someone would hold your hand and walk you through how to create an efficient, time-effective business?
Do you struggle with technology and different systems?
Do you wish someone would give you templates which are simple to make unique to you and your business?
Do you find you are still working at 9.00 pm at night?
Would you love more time for yourself and your family?
Would you like to learn how to automate and streamline your business?
If you answered yes to one or more,
grab your place.

Eryn, Rach and Susie have created the dream team to share their knowledge and experience with women running their businesses like you. If you enrolled in an MA in Marketing as Susie did, or Public Relations like Eryn did, or have a passion for communicating with clarity like Rach, you'd learn a lot about how big brands do things but very little about how to transfer these skills to help entrepreneurs. This is where we identified that there was a lack of affordable courses, sharing this vital information in an easy-to-access and implement way. We don't know of anywhere else that offers these short live courses, transforming businesses into Bewitching Brands in under 6-months.
Who are the women behind Bewitching Brands?

How Does it Work?
The Transformation Program has Three Modules, Clarity, Creativity and Confidence.
You can purchase the whole program or one module at a time.

Join our Weekly Workshops to get all your questions answered and get things done.

PDF Workbooks
Clickable Links and Printable Resources.

Private Group
A safe place to share, collaborate and communicate with other self-empolyed women.

Audit Checklists
Easy to use checklists to tick off each action point as you complete it.

Three Mentors
Three Mentors for less than the Price of One. Bringing you heaps of knowledge and tonnes of experience.

We know it can be difficult to invest in your business, so we have created payment plans for all budgets.

Lifetime Access
You will have lifetime access to your course. So you can revisit any section at any time.
Module One: Find Your Clarity
7 Live Weekly Workshops
Part One of Our Three Part Transform Your Business Program

You will Achieve All This Within The Clarity Module for £350
(This Modules Content is Worth a minimum of £1097)
Module Two: Discover Your Creativity
7 Live Weekly Workshops
Part Two of Our Three Part Transform Your Business Program

You will Achieve All This Within The Creativity Module for £350
(This Modules Content is Worth a minimum of £4295)
Module Three: Grow Your Confidence
7 Live Weekly Workshops
Part Three of Our Three Part Transform Your Business Program